Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Crafts with the one-armed-bandit

Well, we've been very busy lately, and not with the garden or cooking. Poor Vivi had a scooter mishap and broke her right arm. She's in a giant, hot-pink cast and getting very frustrated with only having her left arm available to do all the things that a five-year old needs to get done (bike riding, coloring, eating spaghetti.

I tried different activities to keep her busy this past weekend (and no, playing croquet was not a good idea!), and we came up with the idea of making vegetable stakes for the garden.

Vivi was a trooper and did her best at writing out the names of the veggies with her left hand. Here's the proof.

And check out those radishes in the background!


  1. Nice handwriting for the wrong hand! Looks like your radishes could use some water...

  2. That is a huge cast! Excellent writing though - this might make her ambidextrous.
