Ever since Vivi was a little baby I've been so paranoid of her choking on her food. I would always cut grapes in half (I still do sometimes!) , cut carrots with jagged edges so they won't get caught in her throat. And forget about hot dogs. She ate her first one about a month ago. But don't get me started on fruit with pits. Oh, the nightmares I've had about cherries. That is until I met Cherry Chomper. This adorable little cherry pitter is the perfect tool for a chocking-obsessed parent. Jut pop the cherry in Chomper's mouth and have your kid push down on his smiling little head. The pit is safely discarded to the little cup on the bottom and the cherry is a pop-in-your-mouth, safe treat!
Happy cherry season!
I can relate to this! I am so paranoid about my 11-month old choking. Sometimes I break up her finger food into such tiny pieces that she can't even see them anymore and her fingers are desperately grabbing at the plate, not being able to pick anything up! I may have to invest in the Cherry Chomper...