Wow, it's amazing how much can grow in two weeks. That's how long it's been since we were last in Copake. And boy did the radishes and lettuces go crazy. The whole garden did. The tomatoes have a few flowers, the peas needed to be staked up, the carrots are really looking beautiful, and the zucchini is getting ready to stretch out and take over the back part of the garden. Very exciting stuff.
But what was equally exciting was eating the first salad from the garden. Some romaine, a little bit of arugula, and another blue/green lettuce that I don't even know what it is. I shredded a radish over the top and then drizzled a little vinaigrette. Simple and delicious. With a turkey burger from the grill, it was exactly what summer should taste like.
This looks beautiful and fresh, exactly how salad should be. Yum!